Chris Smith Chaired Future of UK Shore Clean Maritime Funding Event

Driving the next generation towards zero carbon

The Centre for Future Clean Mobility partners with businesses to develop low-emissions, high-efficiency integrated power systems for applications in the aerospace, automotive, marine, and rail sectors.

With over 50 people present, the even was a big success. Supporting UK's maritime sector.

I am pleased to have chaired the meeting of Maritime UK SW’s Clean Maritime group.  The event was for consortium building for two calls – The ZEVI call by Innovate UK and DfT Competition overview – ZEVI: Alternative fuel vessels and refuelling infrastructure – Innovation Funding Service (, and the national clean maritime research hub call Establish a flagship UK national clean maritime research hub – UKRI.

The event was successful and was well attended with 50+ people present from a wide range of different maritime businesses. This was a positive indicator that pushing maritime to a cleaner future is of importance to the maritime sector.

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