Chris Smith to Chair Future of UK Shore Clean Maritime Funding Event

Driving the next generation towards zero carbon

The Centre for Future Clean Mobility partners with businesses to develop low-emissions, high-efficiency integrated power systems for applications in the aerospace, automotive, marine, and rail sectors.

The event is for consortium building for two calls – The ZEVI call by Innovate UK and DfT.

Future of UK SHORE Clean Maritime Funding Event: Maritime UK SW

Future of UK SHORE Clean Maritime Funding Event, Poole, 21st Feb, 9:30-15:20 – Maritime UK South West (

I’m pleased to be there as chair of Maritime UK SW’s Clean Maritime group.  The event is for consortium building for two calls – The ZEVI call by Innovate UK and DfT Competition overview – ZEVI: Alternative fuel vessels and refuelling infrastructure – Innovation Funding Service (, and the national clean maritime research hub call Establish a flagship UK national clean maritime research hub – UKRI. It’s important for everybody to attend and help shape the future for clean maritime, all stakeholders welcome from small to large enterprises, and research organisations.

The event has a full programme of speakers and support from industry, government, and education including a discussion of the ZEVI, £77 million pound funding for clean maritime which closes on the 19th of April 2023.

I would like to thank the government and DfT, especially for the support via UK Shore.

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